Cars tuner scene
Cars tuner scene

cars tuner scene

It’s not surprising that the import car tuning scene really started here in Southern California and especially in the South Bay where there’s a big Japanese community in Gardena and nearby in Torrance. I remember growing up, these were the cars that everyone wanted. Right?Ĭlinton Quan: These were some of the really iconic vehicles of the early to mid-90s and unfortunately nowadays with the popularity of crossover and SUVs, you don’t see vehicles like these anymore. I’m not the demo.īut nevertheless, it’s yet another reason why Southern California is the automotive capital, the United States and the world is that our car culture spawns these kinds of things. I think I’ve seen 20-minutes of one or two of the movies, but whatever. SoCal’s Japanese Community – Import Tuner Scene

Cars tuner scene movie#

Tom Smith: I don’t think I’ve seen more than-Ĭlinton Quan: The first one was released in 2001 and now we have what, seven of them?Ĭlinton Quan: One of the most successful movie series.

cars tuner scene cars tuner scene

With that whole genre, right? The late 80s, early 90s, that kind of started the tuning scene here in Southern California and the tuning scene which spawned into what eventually the Fast and Furious movie series, right? “Cars such as the Toyota Celica, the Toyota MR2, the Honda Prelude, even the Honda Accord Coupe, the Nissan 240SX and… The Mitsubishi Eclipse, the Mazda MX6.”Ĭlinton Quan: Well, speaking of that, I remember one of my classmates in high school, he had one of those… the Civic hatchbacks. The first Civic that… the first, the two-door Civics, remember they had the kind of bubbly blacktops or bubbly-Ĭlinton Quan: Oh, you’re talking about Civic hatchback because. Tom Smith: In the Midwest, I had a buddy that had had a Toyota MR2 and man was that fun to drive. Tom Smith: The cars at that time, the Japanese cars anyway, and I guess the other cars too, they were kind of getting smaller. Tom Smith: Does that include the late 80s?Ĭlinton Quan: Yeah, we could include the late 80s as well. Tom Smith: You’re talking early 90s, the beginning. Cars such as the Toyota Celica, the Toyota MR2, the Honda Prelude, even the Honda Accord Coupe, the Nissan 240SX and they had both a fastback and a coupe version of that. You’re talking about the Japanese cars, which really made the import tuning scene. The Fast and the Furious – Import Tuners & Drifters It really started in the early to mid-90s and I remember growing up in… when I went to junior high and high school, if you look back, these were some of the most popular cars back then. “I mean honestly, who would ever thought that there’d be seven Fast and the Furious movies?”Ĭlinton Quan: Yeah. It predates my living here in Southern California, but he experienced it, he lived it and that is the import tuning scene, right? Professor, why don’t you kind of take it away because I have a bunch of kind of yes and to add, but as I mentioned, I wasn’t here for it so I don’t have that firsthand experience that you do. The Professor was pointing out to me something that makes a lot of sense. Today’s podcast is another justification for that. Tom Smith: Hey! Today’s podcast is a continuation of our justification of that little saying that I throw out there at the beginning of every podcast, what makes Southern California the automotive capital of not only the United States but also the world. Why SoCal is the World’s Car Capital – Home of the Import Tuner Scene

Cars tuner scene