Noobproof download
Noobproof download

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  1. Noobproof download how to#
  2. Noobproof download update#
  3. Noobproof download password#
  4. Noobproof download download#

  • Cron reboot script now works properly.
  • If you'd like to remotely backup your wallet.dat file whenever you mint a new block, check this short guide.
  • peek to make sure it's running correctly start-primecoind to start your primecoind process again

    Noobproof download update#

    build-primecoin to update and rebuild primecoind stop-primecoind to stop the primecoind process Occasionally you may wish to update your primecoin miner when new versions or patches are released.Alternately, modify the notify-wallet script to FTP a backup of your wallet.dat file. Wait for the block to be confirmed, then dump your addresses again. Note: if an instance of primecoind mines a block, it may not be under the address you exported.You should see the new addresses under "Receive". Once finished, close and re-run the Primecoin client. Repeat this for as many private keys you wish to import.YOUR_PRIVKEY is what you copied from PuTTY and SOME_LABEL is what you want the address to appear as in your address book. Type importprivkey YOUR_PRIVKEY SOME_LABEL and wait a few seconds.From the main Primecoin screen, click Help -> Debug Window.On your main computer, open Primecoin and import the private key.Copy the private key value (the random text after "PrivKey:") by highlighting it with your cursor.myinfo to dump your addresses and private keys values. start-primecoind and wait a few moments. peek to verify that primecoind is running.

    Noobproof download password#

    This time your password will be what you set it to. Log into your droplet like you did at the beginning of the setup.To "merge" your primecoin accounts into one, you'll need to gather the private keys from your VPS nodes.If you just want to keep track of your coins, get the regular client.If you want to mine on your main computer, get mikaelh's client.

    Noobproof download download#

  • If you haven't already, download the latest version of the Primecoin client.
  • Noobproof download how to#

    If you'd like to maximize your mining potential, please see my mini-guide on How to Clone DigitalOcean Droplets. peek and see that it's generating primes. After it's caught up, you should be able to run. Primecoin needs to download the blockchain before it can begin doing work. It may take a few minutes before you actually begin mining. (figure 4)Ĭongratulations! You're now mining for primecoins! Once the script completes, you will see a brief help message and list of commands.It will take approximately 10 minutes to complete. Copy the entire modified script from notepad and paste it into your PuTTY window (right click), then hit enter.PRIMECOIN_SIEVESIZE, PRIMECOIN_SIEVEPCT, PRIMECOIN_SIEVEEXTENSIONS are parameters used by mikaelh's high-performance primecoin client (see link for info).It's required for primecoind to work properly! PRIMECOIN_USERNAME is your primecoind username.At the top of the script, there are fields starting with "PRIMECOIN_".Copy this automated setup script to notepad.Just like before, the password characters will not show up. If you chose DigitalOcean, it's time to change the root password! Type passwd, press enter, then enter a new password.Note: You will not see the password characters! This is normal.Type or paste your password into PuTTY and press enter.PuTTY will ask you to confirm the SSH key, press Yes (it will only ask once) (figure 2).Run PuTTY and paste the node's IP address into the "Host Name" slot, then hit "Open" at the bottom.If you signed up for Linode, your password will be what you specified. If you signed up for DigitalOcean, check your email for your root password.During the creation process, be sure to create a node running Ubuntu 13.04 圆4 ( not x86).Sign up for a DigitalOcean or Linode account.Download PuTTY (putty.exe) so you can connect to your VPS when the time comes.Setting up a Primecoin Miner on VPS for Absolute Noobs After reading mikaelh's Primecoin setup guide I decided to automate as much of the process as possible to make it noob friendly.

    Noobproof download